Citation Instructions for Research Papers

Citation Instructions for Research Papers

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Citation Instructions for Research Papers  Citation Instructions for Research Papers are provided to ensure that original writers are given credit for their work and to direct readers to the sources that were utilized in the research paper. When writing a research paper, here are some recommended practices for referencing sources that you should keep in mind.

Instructions for Citation

  • Understand the citation style

Before you start writing your paper, you need to make sure that you are familiar with the proper citation style. Because the criteria and regulations for formatting citations differ depending on the citation style, it is imperative that you first determine which citation style is necessary for your article and then adhere strictly to the recommendations provided.

  • Source information

Keep a record of all the sources you use in your research by noting the author’s name, the title of the book, the publishing information, and the page numbers. Do this as you go along so that you don’t lose any of the information you’ve gathered. This information will be required in order to create the works cited page, also known as the reference page.

  • Be reasonably reliable

Make sure that all of your citations are in the appropriate format, and use the same citation style throughout the whole of your work. This will assist in making your work seem more professional and will make it simpler for readers to discover the sources that you have utilized in your paper.

  • Check for plagiarism

Always utilize plagiarism checker tools or software to guarantee that you are not unwittingly committing plagiarism, which is a major academic infraction. Plagiarism may have significant repercussions for your academic career.

  • Limit direct quotations

Although it is vital to incorporate direct quotations when it is appropriate to do so, it is equally crucial to use your own words and to paraphrase material wherever it is practicable to do so. If you include too many direct quotations in your paper, it may end up sounding more like a compilation of the work of other people than your own work.


If you follow these best practices, you will be able to properly cite your sources in your research paper and give credit to the writers of the original work. Keep in mind that citing sources is not only the proper approach to give credit to the original writers of a piece of work, but it also demonstrates the legitimacy of your study and makes the work more trustworthy. It is also essential to keep in mind that the vast majority of educational establishments, such as colleges and institutes, have stringent regulations about plagiarism and citation, and as a result, you should constantly check your teacher or the instructions provided by the school.

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