Difference between citations and bibliography

Difference between citations and bibliography

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Difference between citations and bibliography Citations and bibliographies are both important parts of academic writing and research, but they serve different purposes. Here is the Difference between citations and bibliography. Keep reading the following article to explore more about citations and bibliography. 

About Citations

  • Citations are used to give credit to the sources that you have used in your research or writing. They are used within the text of your paper to show where you have used someone else’s ideas or information. The purpose of citations is to show that you have done your research and to allow others to easily find and verify the sources that you have used.
  • There are several different citation styles, such as MLA, APA, and Chicago, each with its own specific rules and guidelines. These styles dictate how the citations should be formatted and included in your paper.
  • Citations are used within the text of a paper to give credit to sources. Citations are typically formatted according to specific citation styles.

About Bibliography

  • Bibliographies, on the other hand, are lists of sources that have been cited in a paper or research project. They are usually found at the end of the paper or project and provide a complete list of all the sources that have been used. The purpose of a bibliography is to provide additional information about the sources, such as the author’s name, the title of the work, and the publication date, which can help others find the sources more easily.
  • It is important to note that a bibliography and a reference list are the same things. They are a list of sources that have been cited in a paper. However, a bibliography is more detailed than a reference list.
  • Bibliographies are lists of sources that are found at the end of a paper. Bibliographies are usually listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.


In summary, citations and bibliographies are both important parts of academic writing and research. Citations are used within the text of a paper to give credit to sources and allow others to easily find and verify the information that has been used. Bibliographies are lists of sources that have been cited in a paper and provide additional information about the sources to help others find them more easily. They serve different purposes, but both are crucial in academic research and writing.

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