Dealing the plagiarism in the Review of literature

Dealing the plagiarism in the Review of literature

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Dealing the plagiarism in the Review of literature – Plagiarism is a serious issue in academic writing, and it is especially prevalent in reviews of literature. A review of literature is a critical summary and evaluation of the existing research on a particular topic. Learn about Dealing the plagiarism in the Review of literature in the following article. 

It is a key component of many research projects and dissertations, and it requires a thorough understanding of the existing literature as well as the ability to synthesize and analyze it. However, due to the nature of this type of work, it can be easy to inadvertently plagiarize. In this article, we will discuss how to avoid plagiarism in a review of literature, and provide tips and best practices for ensuring that your work is original and properly cited.

How to avoid plagiarism in the review of literature?

  • Understand what plagiarism is

Understanding what constitutes plagiarism is the first step in preventing it from occurring in a review of the relevant material. Plagiarism refers to the practice of taking the work or ideas of another person without giving them the credit that is due. Plagiarism may take several forms, such as directly copying and pasting content from a source, paraphrasing the work of another individual without providing the appropriate reference, or presenting the ideas of another individual as your own. It is essential to have an understanding that plagiarism is not restricted to the use of copied text alone; it may also include the use of copied pictures, videos, and other types of material.

  • Cite all sources

One of the most straightforward approaches to avoiding plagiarism is to include accurate citations for all of the sources that were used within an analysis of the relevant literature. This contains material that is paraphrased as well as exact quotations from the source. It is essential to make use of the format for citing sources that is mandated by your teacher or institution, regardless of whether that format is MLA, APA, or another style. There are many distinct forms of citation, and each one has its own set of requirements for how to properly cite books, journal articles, and websites, among other sorts of sources. It is essential to adhere to these criteria in a meticulous manner in order to guarantee that your citations are correct and comprehensive.

  • Plagiarism Detection tools

Utilizing a technology that detects instances of plagiarism is yet another strategy for avoiding the practice. In order to detect any instances of plagiarism, these programs go through your work and compare it to a database containing the work of other sources. Turnitin, Grammarly, and PlagScan are examples of well-known software for detecting instances of plagiarism. It is essential to make use of these tools at an early stage in the writing process since they will assist you in locating and repairing any accidental instances of plagiarism that may exist in your work before you submit it.

  • Self plagiarism

Lastly, it is important to be aware of self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is when an individual use their own previously published work without proper citation. Self-plagiarism is just as serious as plagiarism from other sources, and it can result in academic penalties.

  • Use a variety of sources

It is also important to use a variety of sources in your review of the literature. Using a variety of sources not only helps to ensure that your work is original but also demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic. It is important to use a mix of primary and secondary sources and to include both recent and older research. This will give your review of the literature depth and credibility. When conducting research and reading literature, taking notes is a good way to keep track of the sources you have read and the information you have collected. However, it is important to make sure that your notes are in your own words and that you understand the information you have written down. Copying and pasting text or information from a source directly into your notes is not only a violation of plagiarism but also a violation of copyright laws.


In conclusion, plagiarism is a serious issue in academic writing, and it is especially prevalent in reviews of literature. By understanding what plagiarism is, properly citing all sources used, using plagiarism detection tools, using a variety of sources, taking notes in your own words and being aware of self-plagiarism, you can ensure that your review of literature is original and properly cited. It is important to remember that plagiarism not only undermines the integrity of your work but also the integrity of the individual.

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