UGC Regulations for Plagiarism

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In the 530th meeting of UGC, the University Grants Commission introducing regulations for the prevention of plagiarism, discussing the “Promotion of Academic Integrity”. As well as “Prevention of Plagiarism in Higher Educational Institutions (HEI)” regulations for 2018.

The main motive of UGC behind these regulations is to create awareness regarding the conduct of research, thesis, and dissertation along with the prevention of any kind of misconduct which primarily includes plagiarism. It focuses on the development of systems for the detection of Plagiarism and the prevention from plagiarism as well as setting criteria to punish students, researchers, faculty or staff for the act of plagiarism. Therefore, every HEI has to establish these regulations to create awareness for the right conduct of research and academic activities.

To instruct students, researcher, faculty or staff regarding the proper attribution, HEI have to start training and conduct awareness programs to maintain the ethics of research and publication.

Controlling Plagiarism

  • To ensure plagiarism free documents during the final submission, a technology-based mechanism using proper software shall be declared by HEI.
  • An undertaking by every student during the submission of a thesis or any such documents to the HEI indicates that the document originally prepared by the student as well as duly checked through a plagiarism tool approved by HEI.
  • The approved policy shall be on the HEI website homepage.
  • A certificate shall be submitted by each supervisor which indicates the researcher’s work done under by his/her supervision and is free from plagiarism.
  • All the soft copies of Research Program’s and Masters Dissertations and thesis to submit to INFLIBNET by HEI within a month under the “Shodh Ganga-e-repository”.
  • On the Institute website, HEI to create Institutional Repository which dissertation/thesis/paper/publication along with other in-house publications.

Exclusion from Plagiarism while checking

Plagiarism check shall exclude the following:

  • All quoted work with the necessary permission/attribution.
  • References, Bibliography, table of content, preface and acknowledgments.
  • The generic terms, laws, standard symbols and equations.

Plagiarism Levels

Levels Description
Level 0 Up to 10% similarity- No penalty
Level 1 Above 10% to 40 % similarity
Level 2 Above 40% to 60 % similarity
Level 3 Above 60% similarity

Penalties for high plagiarism

Level 0

  • Minor similarities, no penalty.

Level 1

  • To be asked to withdraw the manuscript.

Level 2

  • Shall be asked to withdraw the manuscript.
  • Shall be denied a right to one annual increment.
  • To not be allowed to be a supervisor to any new Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D. Students/ scholar for two years.

Level 3

  • Shall be asked to withdraw the manuscript.
  • Shall be denied a right to two successive annual increments.
  • To not be allowed to be a supervisor to any new Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D.  Students/ scholar for three years.

This is based on the information shared by the UGC wide Letter No. – D.O.No.F.1-18/2010 (CPP-II), Dated- 6th August 2018 (source:

To remove plagiarism from your thesis contact our experts having years-long experience in the field of research.

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